Bitcoin is the original and most well established cryptocurrency. Bitcoin uses a block chain which is like a ledger of all transactions that have taken place, approximately every 10 mins a new block is produced which is broadcast to the network and added to the blockchain, all transactions since the previous block are included in it. The blockchain is secured by high strength cryptography, peer-to-peer networking, and proof-of-work to process and verify transactions. The amount of bitcoins is limited to 21 million to be produced.
Visit and to learn more about bitcoin.
Visit and to learn more about bitcoin.
To start using Bitcoins you will first need to create a wallet address. There are a number of ways of doing this, there are software wallets, mobile wallets and online wallets to chose from. Click on this link to to read about the different wallets and links to create one.
Once you have a Bitcoin address you ready to start using bitcoins, read the Buying/Exchange and Spending sections of this website to find ways of using them.
USEFUL WEBSITES - Official Bitcoin Site
Bitcoin Wiki
BitcoinTalk Discussion Forums
To start using Bitcoins you will first need to create a wallet address. There are a number of ways of doing this, there are software wallets, mobile wallets and online wallets to chose from. Click on this link to to read about the different wallets and links to create one.
Once you have a Bitcoin address you ready to start using bitcoins, read the Buying/Exchange and Spending sections of this website to find ways of using them.
USEFUL WEBSITES - Official Bitcoin Site
Bitcoin Wiki
BitcoinTalk Discussion Forums